
Daily Schedule
We believe that the quality of education in both Torah and secular subjects is determined not only by the amount of time dedicated to these studies, but by efficient and well planned use of that time. We monitor the talmidim's performance, and we aim to make sure each student is getting the most out of his time while enjoying his journey of growth.
- 7:45 Shachris
- 9:20 Shiur Iyun
- 12:30 Lunch
- 1:15 B'kius
- 2:20 Secular Studies periods 1 and 2
- 3:45 Mincha
- 4:00 Secular Studies periods 3 and 4
- 6:30 Dinner
- 8:15 Night Seder
- 9:00 Maariv
- 9:15 Optional Late Night Seder